Saturday, April 10, 2010


Let's talk about what brought me to the Kingdom. I am currently assigned to work as a teacher here at King Saud University, Preparatory Year Program(PYP). King Saud University is the oldest and most prestigious school in the Middle East region. This program is set-up to take in students new to the university, straight from secondary school(high school) and prepare them for the long road of education in front of them. Most students want to get into the medical or engineering field because of course these pay the most. At the building where I work (pictured) the facilities are great, inside are many different cafe's, restaurants and food and drink options. It also has a Library, tons of recreational games like: pool tables, Ping Pong(table tennis), Air Hockey and Fosball. One of the best added features has to be the indoor Mosque; the salat(prayer) is called five times a day and students and teachers are given a break from class to pray and remember ALLAH(swt). Even though this building is just one small part of the entire university, the campus is so big that students have to drive their car if the next class is on the other side! You will come to read that there are many adventures at the PYP.

Until next time...Salaam,



  1. Hi Anthony, this is Krystal (Gilliam) Baneggas. I think this is really cool and I am going to try to follow and participate! I tried a blog, but I'm not good at updating all the time. I have some questions:
    1. Why do you put "(swt)" after you write "ALLAH"? What does that mean?
    2. What do you teach at the University?

    Can't wait to see more posts! Oh, and congrats on your little girl on the way!

  2. Thanks for the comment. Whenever you say say ALLAH you must give praise, by saying Subhana-Wa-Tallah(swt) which means: The Most High, The Most Gracious.

    As for what I teach at the university, right now I am teaching English as a Foreign Language to Engineering and medical students.

    Also, thanks for the congrats I love my kids very much...looking forward to a little girl, finally!
