Monday, May 24, 2010


Education: Back in the Early history of Bahrain and many Gulf countries this is how Islam is taught to the children. This same way is still taught today in "Madressa"(school).

The Grave Mounds: Before there were headstones to mark the dead huge mounds of dirt was formed to mark the burial sites of the dead. Under these mounds of dirt were many individual graves.

The Graves: Inside the individual graves the bodies were placed on the right side and given grave gifts from the family the bodies were usually pointed in the direction of the Kaaba(in Mecca) as this is the tradition in Islam whenever a Muslim dies. The service is called a Jinazza(funeral).

Artwork @ The Museum: The Bahrain National Museum was fantastic! Here all of the history, culture and flair of Bahrain was on display. This piece of art was one of many that caught my eye, kinda looks like Freddy Kruger from Nightmare on Elm Street.

The Museum: This is a definite to do if you come to Bahrain.

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